Embark on a voyage of learning

News & Events

BundesFreiwilligenDienst - Mach mit!

Die Internationale Schule Hamburg e.V. freut sich auf dich

Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine*n Freiwillige*n, die*der sich unterstützend in Schulalltag engagieren möchte.

Dieses Angebot wird im Rahmen des Bundesfreiwilligendienstes Kultur und Bildung möglich gemacht.



Wir bieten:

  • Einblick in den bunten Schulalltag in einem internationalen Team und die Möglichkeit den Berufsalltag aus ganz unterschiedlichen Perspektiven kennenzulernen
  • Abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeiten von der Unterstützung bei der Kinderbetreuung, unterschiedlichsten administrativen Aufgaben bis zur Organisation eines vielfältigen Nachmittagsprogramms mit der Möglichkeit, selbst an Sportkursen oder -events teilzunehmen
  • Moderen Klassenräume, Büros, Sporthallen und -plätze
  • Moderne Technik und Kommunikationsmedien
  • Schul-Gym für Mitarbeiter
  • Gute Verkehrsanbindung plus HYY ProfiTicket/Deutschlandticket

Wie du uns unterstützen kannst:

  • Bei der Kinderbetreuung während und außerhalb der vielfältigen schulischen Aktivitäten
  • Mithilfe bei der Organisation und Begleitung von Veranstaltungen
  • Mithilfe bei dem außerschulischen Nachmittagsprogramm
  • Unterstützung in den Schulsekretariaten und am Empfang
  • Bei Interesse Organisation eines Nachmittagskurses oder Sportevents

Was wir uns von dir wünschen:

  • Freude am Umgang mit Kindern und Jugendlichen
  • Interesse am Austausch mit Menschen unterschiedlicher Nationalitäten und Kulturen
  • Sowohl Teamfähigkeit, als auch eigenständiges Arbeiten
  • Selbstorganisation und eigene Ideen
  • Interesse und Flexibilität
  • Gute Englischkenntnisse (Mehrsprachigkeit erwünscht, aber nicht erforderlich)

Hier bewerben



Triumphant return to The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN)

ISH's MUN delegates made a triumphant return to The Hague International United Nations (THIMUN) in the Netherlands. Delegations from over 200 schools have travelled from around the world to participate in this prestigious conference debating current issues under this year's theme of Peace, Law & Justice. Our delegation this year is representing Belarus in twelve committees, debating topics including: "Combating illegal wildlife trade" in the General Assembly, "Tackling online disinformation and strengthening election integrity" in the Human Rights Commission, and "Strengthening the role of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)" in the Special Conference on Peace, Law and Justice.

With over 3500 delegates participating in the conference, our students had the opportunity to speak in front of committees of 100-200 delegates. 3 ISH students were asked to present opening speeches for their committees, outlining the position of their countries before starting debate. Later in the day we attended the opening ceremony, which featured speeches from Jan van Zanen, the Mayor of Den Haag, Osvaldo Zavala Giler, Registrar of the International Criminal Court (ICC), and introduction to the role of the ICC by a defence lawyer who worked to represent those accused of crimes in the court.

Throughout the next three days our delegates gave a number of speeches, and asked several points of information (questions) to their fellow delegates. One ISH student represented our delegation in the closing ceremony, waving the flag for Belarus on stage.

Congratulations to our delegates from THIMUN 2024!

#ishamburg #thimun2024 #ModelUnitedNations

ISH online Shop for school devices

ISH online store offering Apple MacBooks, iPads and accessories from our partner EduXpert
for parents and students and ISH staff

We are now able to better support our families in deciding and purchasing an appropriate school computer with a unique 20% discount on our recommended Macbook 13" M1 for the launch, as well as more than 20% off a recommended iPad with keyboard and Apple Pencil.

Here is the link to the brochure

Summer Reading list 2023

Although summer can be a great time to rest and relax, it can also be a time to review and practice concepts and skills that were taught throughout the year. During the long summer it can be easy to lose all the skills that were learned throughout the year!

In order to support students this summer, our teachers have to put together a wonderful list of resources for different subjects and reading lists for current students to review, and it should be of interest to new students as well. We encourage students and parents to take a look at it and choose subjects that you may struggle in for more practice or choose ones that you love, so that you can stay sharp in time for the fall.

Click here for Summer Academic Revision and Extension List


ISH by Numbers

perfect score


number of
consecutive years 
with an IB perfect score 

pass rate


pass rate
in the IB DP&CP in 2021




currently represented at ISH



languages taught
in the Mother Tongue Programme



dedicated teachers
from more than 20 different countries



Student-Teacher Ratio



average IB Diploma score in 2021
(world average 33.0)



Caring members of Staff & Faculty



number of students in our student body


60+ years

of existence,
making it Germany's oldest international school



square meters of school ground



ECAP Activities
offered at any given time of the year


1 hour

drive from Hamburg to the North or Baltic sea



ships entering the Hamburg harbour each year

mortar board


of teachers have been at ISH for more than 10 years


Core values:
Respect, Kindness, Responsibility and Safety

Parents' voices

'My child is learning and is happy at school.'

'We like the facilities, the school trips, the international aspect of the school, and the IB program.'

'Teachers are motivated.'

'Admission process was perfect and friendly.'

Discover ISH