In Early Years 1, children are introduced to the routines of the school day and through the medium of play, explore the world around them and develop a strong foundation in early concepts of language, number, and social interaction.
Children in Early Years 1 and 2 develop their science and social studies topics by engaging in our International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) such as “This is Me”, “Once Upon a Time”, “To The Rescue”, and “The World Around Us.” Central to the IEYC is the belief in the holistic development of each child through enjoyable and playful personal, international and academic learning experiences that prepare them for opportunities and challenges now and in the future.
In Early Years 2, students develop their number understanding and pre-literacy awareness through play-based learning.
Our Early Years 3 program introduces students to a developmentally appropriate approach to phonological awareness and writing through a Phonic program called, "Foundations" as well as Reader's and Writer's Workshop, Number Talks which develops number sense and early Mathematical concepts in the "Math in Focus" programme.
All EY students experience a cross-curricular program that includes specialist teachers who teach Music, Physical Education and Library skills. In Early Years 3, students also have the opportunity to participate in Information Technology and English as an Additional language classes. EY teachers plan high quality learning experiences in collaboration with our Literacy, Math and IT Coaches in order to provide age-appropriate, engaging, hands-on and appropriately challenging activities to support students to reach their full potential.
Play based learning is integrated into all areas of the EY curriculum, during which teachers observe, offer support, nurture, assess and extend learning.